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Newest KOF XIV team trailer is live, recent gaming round-up coming soon

SNK Playmore has been at it again by releasing the latest team trailer for its upcoming 3-on-3 team battle fighting game, The King of Fighters XIV.

This time we are shown the varied skills of the South American team, consisiting of pugilist Nelson, wanabee ninja Banderas Hattori and toucan-owning capoeirista, Zarina.

I also aim to do a write-up of what I've playing over the last few months (think of them as small summaries with recoomendations where appropriate). I will keep you updated with further details soon as to when that will be available to read on the blog.

In the meantime be sure to check the trailer out below and post any thoughts you have about the trailer, KOF XIV or anything else that comes to mind in the Comments section down below.

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