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KOFXIV new team trailer, Nightmare Geese trailer also live

In timely fashion SNK has released the newest trailer for its 3-on-3 fighting game releasing in late August, The King of Fighters XIV.

This time viewers can check out the Southtown Team, consisting of the self-assured aikido practicing crimelord of Southtown, Geese Howard; his right-hand bandana wearing henchman and fiery bo-wielder, Billy Kane, and new character to KOF XIV, Geese's butler with the power to control gravity, Hein.

You can check the newest trailer out below:

That's not all for the latest reveal. SNK has also released a brief trailer for an alternate looking version Geese, aptly named Nightmare Geese. Both trailers show he can grab the opponent off the ground, has regular/super counters, a super version of his standard fireball, reppuken and his trademark super from the very first Garou game, Raging Storm.

You can check out how he looks, sounds and a sample of his character theme playing during the trailer below (I don't think even Rick Grimes and co. would want to face this zombie-looking boss).

What are your thoughts on the latest trailers for the Southtown Team and Nightmare Geese? Furthermore are you looking forward to getting those versus matches in when KOF XIV is officially released on August 26th? Be sure to post in the Comments section below.

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