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This week's Tweets are great and interesting

Hello again and thanks for checking out Honeyman-On for the latest Twitter updates from our three main Japanese developers.

This week we have updates from Street Fighter IV producer Yoshinori Ono wanting to make sure that one of his followers returns home safely and has checked out the Himlock Dome. He also refers to something called WINERY which he bursts out in song at although what this is related to exactly, one can only guess.

Metal Gear Solid producer Hideo Kojima asks his followers if they have read the short story Satori in this month's issue of the magazine Da Vinchi, wanting to see how they felt about it.

And Tekken producer Katsuhiro Harada has a follower that doesn't often remember his correct name for one of his followers, instead wanting to see if he could refer to them by their affectionate nickname of El Boro Harada Nachos or Erohana instead (together with funny face).

All in all, some brief and slightly exciting updates from our main developers at Capcom, Konami and Namco. Be sure to check Honeyman-On again where we will be able to check the updates of our favourite Japanese developers when next weekend comes around.

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