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Newest KOF XIV trailer is live, shows off the Official Invitation Team

I certainly pick my times to update the blog. At the risk of getting bogged down with the outcome of the recent UK vote on the EU referendum, I instead want to focus on one of the things I continue to enjoy the most. Games.

Although I haven't kept up with the regular updates, today's post will focus on the lastest entry in SNK's upcoming 3-on-3 fighting game series, The King of Fighters XIV. SNK has been doing a great job of releasing team-focused trailers once a week with the latest trailer focusing on the Official Invitation team (a trio of new faces to the franchise no less).

Although we get to see the ever-quirky idol Sylvie again we are also shown the hooded sand-user, Kukri, and the Sichuan Bushinryu user, Mian (both of which are looking pretty awesome right now).

What do you think of the new faces from the Official Invitation team for the upcoming KOF XIV? Post your thoughts and opinions in the Comments section below.

Check out the latest team trailer below: